Mother of Thyme Seeds
Thymus serpyllum
This variety of creeping thyme grows about 4-6" tall and has broader leaves than S1922 Creeping Thyme. Although officially it is called "creeping thyme", this variety is more of a spreader and doesn't "creep" as fast as our low growing variety. 1 oz. averages 150,000 seeds. Thyme seed is very, very small so the amount of area a packet will cover depends on how careful you are at sowing the seed. For planting a 1" space between pavers, I would recommend one packet per 6-10 feet.
Thyme, Mother of - Herb Seeds
Plant Type: Perennial
Light Preference: Full Sun
Height at Maturity: 4-6 inches
USDA Hardiness Zones: 4-8