Organic Brewer's Gold Hop Rooted Rhizome
British bittering hop developed in 1919. Both Brewer's Gold and Bullion are seedlings of BB1 (found wild in Manitoba). Many modern high alpha hops were developed from Brewer's Gold. Has a resiny, spicy aroma/flavor with hints of black currant.
alpha 7.1-11.3%
About Rooted Rhizomes:
Certified Organic Rooted Rhizomes are two-year hop plants organically grown without the use of pesticides, fungicides or herbicides. They have produced crowns full of buds ready to produce healthy bines plus vigorous root systems. The standard rhizome cutting is the typical way to start a new hops plant but it doesn't have a crown and a root system, that is created the second year. These Organically Grown Rooted Rhizomes give you a great head start towards harvesting that crop of hop cones you'll be looking forward to.
Note: hops are shipped beginning in March after they are harvested. Order now for the best selection.
BREWER'S GOLD Certified Organic Rooted Hops Rhizome
Certified Organic by the Oregon Department of Agriculture.