Organic AlphAroma Hop Rhizome
This Smooth Cone triploid hybrid hop was selected from an open pollinated seedling at the Riwaka Research Station in New Zealand in the late 1970’s. It was released for commercial use until 1983. AlphAroma hops are grown commercially in New Zealand where they can produce significant yields. AlphAroma is an all-purpose hop with a unique balance of oils that gives it some bold flavors and citrusy, fruity aromas.
Use in: Pale Ales and Lagers
Diseases: Moderately resistant to Downy Mildews. Probably resistant to Verticillium Wilt
Alpha Acid 5.8% - 10.9%
Beta 2.6% - 4.8%
Co-humulone 27%
Myrcene 44% - 66%
Humulene 14.6%
Farnesene 3.2% - 6.7%
Thyme Garden hops are non-GMO. All hops varieties we sell contain solely Humulus lupus genetic materials. Harvested hops rhizomes are not treated with pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or any other chemical substances.
Sometimes supplies run low of certain varieties. Please choose a replacement hops variety or type refund in the space below if you prefer not to have a replacement. This helps us fulfill your order efficiently.
ALPHAROMA Certified Organic Hops Rhizome
Please inspect your hops upon arrival. Some formation of mycorrhizal fungi is normal. Open the bag and allow fresh air in. Dampen if necessary, and store in the refrigerator or plant immediately. Growing instructions included.